How to Establish Professional Goals as a Lash Artist

To become a successful lashpreneur, you must first establish your short and long term goals. Where do you see yourself in the next year? What about the next three years? What is most important to you for your career? Think about where you are now and where you'd like to be. When you visualize exactly what you want to accomplish, you can begin setting realistic goals for yourself. Having a clear plan and a vision of what you want for your future is going to be key to your success as a lash artist. This step-by-step guide will help you create and stick to those goals.


Develop a Career Vision Statement

Your career vision should be your “dream” or goal of what you aspire to be professionally. According to UC Berkeley, articulating that vision into a written statement is the first step in helping you achieve your career goals. Here’s how:

  1. Be patient, give yourself time to think about what you want to accomplish
  2. List out your career goals, big or small
  3. Determine your personal and professional core value
  4. Think about the tougher questions: What inspires you? How do you define success? What is your biggest strength? What is your greatest weakness?
  5. Summarize everything you’ve just thought about in one sentence or a short paragraph to create your vision statement

Once you have your vision statement written down, put it somewhere (or multiple places) where you can see it daily. Read it aloud to yourself or share it with others — whatever will help motivate you! 


Remember LASHES When Goal-Setting

Obviously, beautiful lashes are always goals, but we’re talking about L.A.S.H.E.S. Following this six-letter acronym can help you stay on track and focus on what's most important throughout your journey as a lash artist.

L = Look Inward

Explore your strengths and weaknesses to understand the greatest opportunities for growth. Write down what your biggest strengths are as a lash artist and which areas you could improve on. Use this as motivation to grow professionally and personally.

A = Achievable

Set attainable goals. Be realistic with yourself about your goals and how long it will take to achieve them. Sure, every lash artist wants to "get big" overnight but is this truly achievable? A more realistic goal would be to gain 100 new Instagram followers in the next two months. This type of goal is realistic, achievable and not unreasonable. 

S = Specific

Be specific about your goals. For example, growing your lash business a great goal, but it's pretty vague. Instead, a more specific goal would be to book five new lash clients by the end of the month. The more focused your goals are, the more likely you are to achieve them. 

H = Hold Yourself Accountable

Goals don’t exist in a vacuum! Set yourself up for success by putting systems in place for you and others to track your progress. Have a friend or employee check in with you on a monthly or quarterly basis to make sure you’re on track.

E = Evaluate

Measure your progress and see how you’re doing. What’s working? What’s not? During your accountability check-ins, be honest with yourself and take a look at your progress to see what you need to change to reach your goals. 

S = Self Awareness

Once you’ve completed a goal, reflect on the journey and how the lessons can be applied to future goals. It's been two and a half weeks and you've already exceeded your goal of booking five new clients in a month. Look at what you did (or didn't do) for this to happen. Did you offer any specials? Were these new clients from referrals? Now that you know what works for your lash business, you can set an even better goal for your future like booking ten new clients for the next month. Again, it's all about being realistic with yourself and your accomplishments. 


Differentiate Between Short and Long-Term Goals

Your career vision should have both short and long-term goals. Short-term goals are goals that can be completed in six months to a year, like increasing your social media following for your business or completing a new lash course. On the other hand, long-term goals can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years or more. An example of long-term goals would be opening up your own salon. As you can see, both types of goals are achievable, but you can’t complete the long-term goals without reaching some smaller milestones first! 


Stay Positive

Discouragement can and will happen in both your personal and professional life. This goes back to being realistic about your goals. If one of your goals has to be pushed back or you need to make changes to your goals along the way, that’s okay! Success doesn’t just happen overnight, so be patient with yourself and stay positive throughout every step of your journey.


The Sky Is the Limit

Remember this guide and review it later as you continue to reach various milestones throughout your career. Now that you know how to establish goals as a lash artist, it’s time to put these techniques into practice! 





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