IG: @extenditartistry
Haus of Beauté and The Lash Exchange
Houston, TX

Congratulations to Hannah Gordon, our Lash Artist of the Month for November 2019! We got to chat with her to learn more about her lash journey and what she loves the most about being a lash artist. We hope her journey will inspire you and, perhaps, give you a tip or two to integrate into your own lash career or business!

Do you work for someone or own your own business?
I work for myself and for another business. I love working with other artists! Being able to get different perspectives and develop friendships is so awesome.
What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
The gratification it gives not only to me me as the artist, but also to my clients. To give them a service that they fall in love with is the best.
What got you into lashing?
I’ve always loved mascara! Then I didn’t find my groove until I took my lash course. I wasn’t good, but I knew it was something I wanted to dive into.
What advice would you give a new lash artist?
Everything you learn is for a reason. Make sure you follow the guidelines, then put your spin on it! Focus on placement and direction. Set a time for yourself and get the lashes as even coverage as you can in the time limit. You’ll watch yourself progress with every set when you implement these tips! Or what advice would you give yourself at that time now that you are on the other side? Stop stressing!!! It’s only hurting you. Under promising and over delivering is something I learned in cosmetology school.

What do you believe is your role or mission in this industry?
Awareness and education. I have built a great bond with my clients by being real with them. I’ve helped new artists with tips and it’s rewarding to hear from them saying what I shared has helped them along their career.
Do you have a certain style you prefer or lean towards?
Natural length. Your lashes were made their way for a reason! I find most clients feel comfortable with something close to what they have had. There are exceptions with the direction of growth for some, but a natural length gives you a beautiful outcome.
Want to see more beautiful work from Hannah? Connect with her on Instagram: @extenditartistry
Become our next Lash Artist of the Month! To enter, make sure to follow us on Instagram at @lashaffairbyjp. Look for the LAM photo and follow the instructions in the description. Good luck and happy lashing!