How to Find the Right Lash Artist for YOU

As a lash artist, I have serviced so many women who were disappointed with their initial lash experience. Typically, the disappointment comes from a stylist who has not had proper training. How do you know if someone has been trained appropriately? Here are some suggestions to reduce any fear you may have in finding the perfect lash artist for you.

Don't Be Afraid to Research the Right Lash Artist

First, find someone in your area. Eyelash extensions are a commitment in time and money, so find someone you can trust. Having a lash artist you can frequent is important, if you cannot maintain your touch-ups, this could lead to disappointment and be a waste of money. Hashtags can be a great tool to use when looking for artists in your area. When you go to Instagram or Facebook, click search then enter your city name and the word lash. You will see suggestions pop up for you and once you click into one, every post with that hashtag will show up. 

Research hashtags on Instagram

Have fun looking through all of the pictures, then save the ones that catch your eye. 

You will see top posts and most recent posts

You will see top posts followed by the most recent posts.

Once you find a picture you like, hit the bookmark then save to collection

Once you find a picture you like, hit the bookmark then save to collection.

Add to a collection or create a new collection to add to

Add to a collection or create a new collection.

Look at Reviews

Now that you've found a few artists in your area, look up reviews from at least 3 different people. Reviews are important. If you see a negative review, look at how the owner handled the negative review. Did they respond at all? Sometimes miscommunication happens in business. If the owner is apologetic and willing to right the wrong, consider them and weigh your options. 

Study Their Work

Narrow it down by looking at pictures of their "actual" work. Keep in mind, websites can be misleading. Many websites have stock photos of beautiful models with luxurious lashes and are not a good representation of the lash artist's skillset. Check for a gallery tab or social media link. Try to find pictures that show what the set looks like from the artist POV. This angle can be more telling because you can see the amount of adhesive used. If the extensions look really shiny at the base, or you can't see where one fan begins and another one ends, that is a sign that too much adhesive was used, or there wasn't proper isolation of the natural lashes. 

What's Their Social Media Presence Look Like?

You can find a lot about a stylist by looking at their social media profiles. You can gauge how professional they are by what they post. Outlets like Facebook and Instagram should be used to promote photos of their work, promotions, inspiration, and a personal touch. If they do not have social media, move on to the next artist.  Any professional should have a website, Facebook or Instagram page. You should be able to find what trainings they have done and a little bit of their personality through these channels.

Make a Phone Call

Once you've checked out the artists that you are considering, give them a call. Working with prompt and responsive professionals is important. Wait 24 hours. If they don't call you back, move on. If the artist answers, here are some questions to ask:

  • How long have you been licensed?

        It is important that you deal with a licensed professional. Not that an unlicensed individual cannot provide beautiful lashes, but being licensed and certified displays a level of professionalism in the beauty industry, especially when it comes to eyelash extensions. The eyelash extension industry is not heavily regulated, therefore, working with someone who has put themselves under the authority of the cosmetology board and has displayed a level of openness about their sanitation and safety practices should be rewarded with your business over someone who hasn't gone through the steps to be above board. 

  • What certifications do you have?

    A qualified lash artist is also a continuous learner. Has this artist been certified in his or her profession multiple times? Consider a hairstylist -- they learn color, cutting, perming, straightening and more. This same concept relates to lash artists. I hold five certifications in the eyelash industry and am still continuing to learn. The industry is always growing and so should your lash artist.

  • What brand of product do you use?

    Don't be scared to ask a lash artist what products they use. The artist should be able to tell you what they are using and why they like it. I use Lash Affair Luxury Lashes in my business. When I verbalize to a client why I love the finish of these lashes and why I think its best for my clientele, it lets the client know that I have industry knowledge and that I'm educated about the products I am using. A potential artist you are looking to work with should possess similar knowledge and be open about sharing with you!

  • What's your availability?

    Asking about availability is vital. Artists availability usually reflects their skill level. A skilled artist is typically booked a week or more in advance. Book ahead when scheduling your first appointment. If you are booking with a new artist, just go in with patience and time so the artist does not feel rushed or nervous. 

Don't be Afraid of New Artists

New artists can be great and they have to start somewhere. If you are on a budget, you may want to offer to be a model for a class and continue to work with the student after they get certified. This way you will be able to receive free or discounted touch-ups and you will be able to see the artists work grow in real time. Just make sure that the class you are modeling for is from a real company and that they have produced students that are doing good work. If you would like to be a model for a Lash Affair training, you can email for consideration.

Don't Let the Price of Eyelash Extensions Scare You Off

So, what is the expected cost of eyelash extensions? A new artist will typically charge a lower price for full sets than an experienced artist. For example, a new artist may charge anywhere from $50-$150 for a full set of lashes where an experienced artist can charge $150-$300+ because their availability is limited. If you do choose a newer artist for your appointment, be sure to go into it with reasonable expectations. An "educated" artist does NOT get you in and out in 45 min. Lash extensions take time and patience. New artists may take 3 hours+ for a full set of eyelash extensions while an experienced artist may be able to do the work in 2 hours depending on the technique being used.

Finding the right artist for yourself will take a little time upfront. But once you have found that artist, that time will be more than worth it. You will be happy with your lashes and you will have an artist you can count on to deliver great results! To find a trained Lash Affair artist click here!

Allie Williams
California Girl | Entrepreneur enthusiast | Super Mom to Jayden | Travel junkie         

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