Get What You Pay For With Your Lash Training

Find a Lash Affair Lash Extension Certification Course near you.


Isn’t it frustrating when you invest your hard-earned money and precious time in a lash training program but don’t get the promised value in return?

With the growth of online and distance learning, it has become difficult to differentiate between professional value-rich training programs and low-quality programs by part-timers and hobbyists.

But it doesn’t mean there are no good on-ground lash trainers available. You just need to look for them in your area and make sure the training you’re paying for will actually deliver the value that it promises.

Not sure how to do it? Here are a few tips to help you.


Do Research To Understand the LASH Industry



Before you even apply to join a training program, spend some time understanding the lash industry and how it works. Understand why consumers spend money on lash products and the key benefits they want.

Joining a reputable Facebook Group like Lash Extensions 101, which has thousands of lash artists, consumers, and enthusiasts, is a great place to start. You may also want to follow leading lash artists like Kristen and Brittany to get a feel for the industry and understand what life as a lash artist looks like.

Doing this will give you a better understanding of the lash industry and help you choose the right course.


See If You Meet the Course Requirements



Once you’ve found the right lash training program, make sure you meet all the necessary requirements to proceed. To be precise, there are a couple of things to see here.

  • Make sure you’ve read the course requirements and have all the pre-requisites to proceed. If you’re a total beginner, make sure the course is tailored to your needs and the instructor knows your current knowledge level.
  • Check your local state laws to see if you need any certifications or additional licensing to practice as a lash artist. You can do that by consulting a legal expert or by contacting your state board of cosmetology directly.

Study Course Outline To Get an Idea

When you find the right course, it can be tempting to start immediately. But wait! Don’t forget to read the course outline before finalizing your decision.

Every course comes with an outline of the topics that’ll be covered in it. It gives you a very good idea of the content of the course and the value it offers.

If something is unclear, you may contact the course instructor to seek clarity so that you’re in a better position to make the final call.

Check Reviews and Testimonials

Unless a course is being offered for the very first time, it’s bound to have reviews and testimonials from previous students on the internet.

Make sure you read all the reviews before enrolling in a lash training course. Pay particular attention to the negative reviews so that you can understand where the course might fall short and what you can really expect from it.

Think Long Term



Attending your lash training classes and going through all the coursework is great, but what happens when you’re done with the course?

Is there any additional help available? Are there any mentorship opportunities that you can use when you need help? Any long-term connections and relationships that can help you as a lash artist in future?

These are all very important questions that you need to consider before investing in an expensive lash training program to ensure that you get your money’s worth.


Find a Lash Affair Lash Extension Certification Course near you.


If an Online Certification Course is your jam,

we have many online options for you too, babe.


If you need help launching your lash career,

consider applying for a Lash Affair Scholarship.



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